Shift Your Mindset For Better Weight Loss
"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer
#1. Don’t say: You “can’t” eat that
When you say you can’t eat something, what you're really saying is you want it but you are not allowed to have it. That can/will make you want it even more!
What to say: "I do not want to eat that"
Saying you do not want to eat it gives you the power. You are making the decision for yourself to not eat it which gives you the control.
#2. Don’t say: "I haven't seen enough progress so I should just give up now"
That would be like saying “I haven't made enough money this month so I should just quit my job.” Doesn't make sense, right?! Time is going to move forward no matter what. You can either keep going and eventually reach your goals or you can give up and never reach your goals.
What to say: "I need to make some changes since I haven't seen the results I wanted to see"
This could be switching up your meals, workouts or changing the time-line of your goals to something a little more realistic. This way of thinking keeps you in control and moving forward. It never puts the thought in your mind of giving up.
#3. Don’t say: "I am so jealous that she can workout and eat whatever she wants and look so good"
You are not “her” and “she” is not you! You have to stop comparing yourself to other people. Our bodies are so different. Yes, it sucks sometimes that others have it easier when it comes to weight but that’s life and sometimes it is not fair. Comparing yourself to others does not help you lose weight any faster so focus on you and only you
What to say: (Nothing about “her”) "I have eating and working out in a way my body responds best to"
That you are proud of yourself for how hard you work in the gym and proud of every time you have made a healthy food choice because IT’S NOT EASY!
#4. Don't say: "I am on a diet"
The word diet sounds "short term". Thinking that this is short term allows your mind to see an end point to your new healthy eating.
What to say: "I am changing my lifestyle from unhealthy eating to healthy eating"
This way there is no end point. You are adjusting what needs to be adjusted for long term success.
#5. "I HAVE to go workout"
This makes it seem like a chore. Like something you don't want to do but have no choice.
What to say: "I GET to workout"
If you are healthy and strong enough to even be able to workout then you should be grateful. There are so many people who wish they could go to the gym. They wish they had an opportunity to reach their goals but may have health and other limitations preventing them from being about to.
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